Professor Visnja Orescanin, PhD, research & development director
She is world leading scientist in the field of toxicology, chemistry, phytochemistry, chemical engineering and biostatistics. Prof. Orescanin dedicated her life to the development of new methods, procedures and products with the practical applications both in science and everyday life. During 25 years of her professional experience prof. Orescanin published app. 180 scientific papers in the top ranked international scientific journals and conference proceedings, six patents and over 100 technical reports. She is a reviewer for 37 international scientific journals while her biography is published in Marquis Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, and Marquis Who’s Who in the World. For more informations follow the links:
Contact information
Address: APIHERBAL Ltd., Dubrava 124, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone: (+385) 91 4377 905
Email: vorescan@gmail.com; info@apiherbal.com
Skype: visnja.orescanin
Follow me: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Visnja_Orescanin2
Primarius Stefica Findri Gustek, MD, Ph.D, managing director
She is world leading expert in the field of gynecology and obstetrics with 25 years of professional experience. She is the owner and the founder of the Findri Gustek Center for Health Care, which includes gynecology department, occupational health department, child and the family medicine. She is a coauthor of > 30 papers published in the top ranked international scientific journals and conference proceedings, 1 patent and numerous technical reports including clinical studies. Her research area include: broad range experience in the field of gynecology and obstetrics, development and testing of new products (including herbal medicine) for the treatment of various infections of uro-genital tract and menopausal symptoms.
Contact information
Address: APIHERBAL Ltd., Dubrava 124, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone: (+385) 98 490 670